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Bob Blackman: British MP Unapologetic About Links to antiMuslim Hindu and English Nationalists

28 Oct

[Published 28 October, 2017]


Bob Blackman, a Tory MP and patron of the Campaign Against AntiSemitism, recently hosted a Diwali celebration event in the UK’s House of Commons with extremist, Tapan Ghosh.

The event was also attended by Home Secretary, Amber Rudd, who issued an immediate apology.

Ghosh, a Hindu Nationalist, has previously called for the genocide of Muslims in Kashmir, as well as praising the forced displacement and ethnic cleansing of Muslims in Myanmar.

Ghosh, also founder of the Hindu Defence League, has also been praised by former English Defence League founder, Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, who is more well-known by the name, Tommy Robinson.

Did Blackman apologise or distance himself from Ghosh?

Answer: No.

In response to questions and criticism of attending an event and meeting with Ghosh, and despite having organised it, Blackman shrugged it off, simply saying he was not aware of who was invited and did not see what all the fuss was about.

In a statement, he gave to the press, he also defended Ghosh, stating that his presence was relevant to the event taking place. Blackman did state that he would have challenged Ghosh had he made any similar comments but that free speech was paramount.

However, it now transpires, that Blackman is also associated with Robinson, having interacted with him and apparently shown agreement with his views on social media. In one such interaction, Blackman retweeted a tweet in which Robinson states that Hindus in Bangladesh are surrounded by Muslims.

What neither Blackman nor Robinson seem to have grasped is that it was the brutalism of British colonialism and policy of divide and rule, which has created and exacerbated religious tensions and the unequal religious makeup of Bangladeshi society; first after the partition of India and then, when Bangladesh became its own country after civil war with and separation from Pakistan.

Blackman and Robinson also seem to ignore nor the fact that it is Bangladesh which is bearing the brunt of the ongoing refugee crisis of the Rahimyar Muslims – who are being driven out of Rakhine and over the border by the Myanmar government – which is arguably adding to the tensions and religious divide.

Blackman’s links with and apparently ardent support for Hindus does not go unmissed or without some questioning as to where his loyalties may lie.

A quick view of Blackman’s expenses, shows that he was paid several hundred pounds to attend an anti-Iran event organized by the National Council of Resistance of Iran and the Welle Association, which supports and explicitly promotes regime change in Iran.

In addition, he also receives regular donations from two Hindu businessmen; a significant donation received from the former hedge fund manager, Lord Fink for undisclosed remunerations; and a donation from a property company to attend a conference in Israel.

There is an even larger donation received from the Indian High Commission.

India, incidentally, conspired with Bengali and Hindu Nationalists, for the civil war that brought about the creation and establishment of Bangladesh, which was also funded and supported by Israel and British governments.

Not directly, but by repeatedly ‘liking’ and ‘retweeting’ criticism and hatred toward Muslims, Blackman, indirectly, shows himself for who he really is and who he supports.

Rajnish Kashyap, Director of the Hindu Council of Britain, was asked to comment and condemn the invitation of Ghosh to the House of Commons event hosted by Blackman, but has failed to respond.

And, whilst the Campaign Against AntiSemitism maliciously and wrongly accuses the European Forum for Ethnic Minority Individuals, Communities, Individuals, and Organizations of creating tension between Sikhs and Muslims, it has so far refused to remove Blackman as its patron.

All the while, Campaign Against AntiSemitism, has recently called for the Palestine Solidarity Campaign to remove as a patron and disassociate itself from the Jewish comedian, Alexi Sayle, following an interview with Sky News in which he claimed that all allegations of antisemitism “amongst supporters of Jeremy Corbyn are a complete fabrication.”

Presumably, Blackman remains as a patron of the fake charity, Campaign Against AntiSemitism because of his support and associations with and for Hindu Nationalists against Muslims, which, naturally, serves Israel’s interests best.

Watch this space for the Campaign Against AntiSemitism to come back with a smear, making false accusations of antiSemitism.

Sadly, it would appear that Muslims are now under attack from all sides of the fascistic spectrum.

Since publishing this blog, Blackman has sadly blocked on Twitter.

Author: Jason Schumann

British Sikhs Rally With Alt Right to Malign and Vilify Muslims

29 Jul

[Published 29 July, 2017]

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[Image via Twitter from a now deleted Facebook post of interview given by Bhai Mohan Singh on LBC with Katie Hopkins]

For somewhat disgruntled and clearly resentful reasons, a number of British Sikh organisations appeared to have aligned themselves with members of the alt shite and libertarian movement in order to attack Muslims.

One of these organisations is the Sikh Awareness Society (SAS), which lists Prabjot Singh as its website registrant. Bhai Mohan Singh (above) is also involved in the work and activities of SAS.

SAS states on its website, that:

“In Britain today Sikh youth are still actively targeted on the basis of their religion and history. This historically linked hate-crime causes much emotional distress to the families involved with the majority of these cases ending up in abuse.”

Perhaps herein lies part of the root cause of the Sikh community’s alignment with Far Right commentators and hate preachers in an ongoing bitter attack on British Muslims.

It seems that SAS are rightfully unhappy with the fact that British police wrongly classify racist attacks on Sikhs as antiMuslim hate crimes and/ or classify them under general “Race and Religious” hate crimes.

It is perfectly right that SAS and other Sikh organisations should have such grievances and challenge the police to properly record hate crimes according to the classification of different ethnic and religious groups.

As early as March 2016, another Sikh organisation, which lists Lord (Indarjit) Singh of Wimbledon CBE as its director and published a letter on its website regarding the false reporting and recording of hate crimes against Sikhs.

SAS, however, has gone one step too far and sought to align itself and garnered support from the likes of Katie Hopkins, Anne-Marie Waters, Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, and Dr Ryan Waters of the UK Independence Party.

Waters, Hopkins, and Lennon, have all repeatedly called for the genocide and expulsion of all Muslims from Europe, claiming that Europe is being overrun and facing imminent Islamification and that the White race is being wiped out.

Bhai Mohan Singh, also of SAS, recently gave an interview for LBC with the former radio presenter, Hopkins, before she was forced to resign due to her continued and unapologetic racist and antiMuslim outbursts after a public campaign.

Hopkins, described as a PR machine for extremists, has recently been photographed having a selfie taken with a holocaust denier and travelled to Sicily to support the anti-Immigrant campaign, Defend Europe.

Lennon, aka Tommy Robinson, is more than happy to drag up and reignite ancient and colonial division between Sikhs and Muslims, which SAS seems more than happy go along with and draw out to no constructive or positive benefit or outcome.

Returning to the Sikh communities grievances with police monitoring of hate crimes and having corresponded with Jasvir Singh of the Sikh Federation, UK, the available data for hate crimes against Sikhs would suggest that some 3,500 hate crimes were misreported and recorded for 2015/ 6.

But do such valid grievances of Muslim grooming gangs and the marginalisation of Sikh concerns regarding the police ever warrant the Sikh communities White supremacist associations?

Many members of the Sikh community say no!

The comments have been anonymised in a now apparently deleted Facebook post, but here are some of the sentiments voiced by Sikhs in relation to SAS’s antiMuslim stance and links to the Far Right:

“Katie Hopkins a known and openly racist broadcaster?”

“Fucking pricks. You don’t represent my community.”

“Why are you aligning us with Katie Hopkins? She is hijacking this for her own cause”

Hardeep Singh, of the Sikh Messenger, has tweeted and posted numerous comments and articles against Muslims, including mocking the right of Muslim women to choose and have the right to wear head and face coverings in public.

In response to Singh’s mocking of the right to wear face and head coverings, the Sikh Federation appeared to condemn his comments and in fact draw parallels with similar concerns affecting Sikhs in Europe.

Author: Jason Schumann