Online Harassment, David Hirsh, Marko Attila Hoare, Jasna Badzak, Zionist Smears, 35 Hack Attempts on My Twitter Account

9 Sep

Updated on Sunday, 18 September, 2016 at 17:27


The following images are of two of my abusers.

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[Images publicly available via the interwebz: Jasna Badzak and Marko Attila Hoare]



This is an article about the online abuse I have suffered and smear campaigns to silence me, because of my view and campaigning on Human Rights.

It is a truly disgusting picture of the depravity of human nature and efforts, tactics, and extremes that state actors and their supporters will  deploy to smear, and damage critics and activists.


About Me:

I am a researcher, human rights campaigner, occasional blogger/ writer, very outspoken, and former senior arts manager.

I run my own (this) blog and use to write for News786, before the news site ran into trouble with Modi. I’ve also published one or two articles on the Medium site.

My current area of research is focussed on the UK Counter Extremism Strategy and its impact on British Muslim communities. I am also conducting research on the themes of migration, refugees, and LGBTI Human Rights abuses.

My Human Rights work includes: campaigning against the closure of the Calais ‘Jungle’ refugee camp, the Human Zoo protest, Rohingya, #BlackLivesMatter, the French governments attempt to ban the burka, and previously a two year campaign on Ebola.

I publish several small newsletters and e-bulletins on various Human Rights and civil society issues.

I also run several networks, including the largest Facebook group for artists and craft-makers, enabling collaborations between artists, sharing work and expertise, posting opportunities for exhibiting, making, fellowships, employment etc.

I am very active on Twitter and tweet about the current crisis in Yemen, #BlackLivesMatter, LGBTI Human Rights news, refugees, and generally about politics, culture, and current affairs.


Previous Online Abuse:

Some of my posts on Twitter have brought considerable abuse, both on and offline.

In the extreme, I’ve had death threats, late night telephone calls, pizza deliveries, call outs by the fire service. The more inane abuse includes insults about my sexual orientation, racism, and crude references about the fact I am HIV. They have also targeted my partner and his work, incurring business costs, due to a suspected cyber attack.

I’ve also had individuals publish my personal information and steal photos of my family and I from my Facebook account and reposted on Twitter with obscenities.

Quite understandably, I have sometimes been outraged and felt moments of disgust and almost violent anger.

If someone abuses, uses my copyright, insults me, I will generally retort. I usually tell them to fuck off, go suicide, tell them I will ruin them, call them a cunt, or whatever.

Here’s a take on my philosophy regarding online abuse:



As you can see, and I am sure you will understand, because of the abuse I’ve received, I generally will not take any drama or shit from anyone. Anyone who abuses me will get short shrift and told exactly where to shove it.

Abuse I have received from women is no different. If a woman, on social media, messages me or replies to something I have posted, with which she disagrees, with any abuse, profanity, threats, or bile, I will retort. That is quid pro quo and is the essence of gender equality, imho. No special favours, except where inequality or misogyny is present or exists.


Recent Abuse:

Just recently, one such woman, by the name of Jasna Badzak, despite having a police warning against her, and having been served with a cease and desist notice, not to abuse or harass me, decided to have another go at me. Yes, she has done this before, hence the police warning and cease and desist notice.

I didn’t respond to her directly, as such. What I did, was to collate the URLs of her tweets about me and publish them on Storify.

Storify is simply a website that has the function of enabling a user to collect posts, articles, and comments on social media, to create a story.

You can see them here:


(Important: For context and clarity, please do ensure that you read through the above links — you can right click to open them in a new window).


In the first link (above), it is perfectly clear that Jasna is a convicted fraudster. Equally as important, the content shows that she is vindictive to the point of being mentally disturbed.

The second link, shows the abuse and vitriol directed at me, after I was informed that she was sullying my name and spreading malicious and false gossip about me.

I didn’t respond directly (well, only to her most ludicrous claims), but I did document and record her abuse and vitriol, hence the publication of the Storify.


Hacking My Social Media:

Within 24 hours of the publication of the Storify in the second link (above), Jasna, and/ or an associate, made 6 attempts to hack my twitter account. The evidence of which, is here:

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The first attempted password hack, occurred on Sunday, 04 September, 2016.

On the Monday morning, I immediately contacted the police and Twitter and posted information to my followers to inform them of what was happening to me.

By Tuesday, 06 September, 2016, a blog was published about myself and others, regarding our views on Israel and its oppression of Palestinians and occupation of the West Bank and Gaza.

The blog was published by Marko Attila Hoare.

Marko is a Historian, lecturing at Kingston University, UK, so you would expect someone of his professional and academic standing to be less abusive, but, apparently not. Marko is a known internet troll. (Three separate links, detailing his bullying, character assassination, and intimidation of others).

Within 24 hours of the publication Marko’s blog, there were a further 29 attempts to hack my password to my Twitter account. I have no idea if Marko himself was involved, but his blog was a direct causal link to these further hack attempts.

It’s worth noting here, that Jasna and Marko are associates and know each other in public circles and they are ‘twiends’ on the Twattersphere.

How timely that Jasna abuses me online, then there are several attempts to hack my twitter when I retort, then Marko writes a defamatory blog about me, resulting in a further 29 hack attempts?

I have no idea why Marko wrote his blog about myself and others. I haven’t communicated with him since January, 2016, so it is more than a coincidence, that he pops up from nowhere, with a blog, in which I am mentioned, two days after Jasna’s abuse, and the resulting 35 hack attempts to gain access to my Twitter account.

Interestingly, Jasna has now resorted to sending herself repeated login requests to her own Twitter account, claiming that I am trying to hack her.


Israel Silencing Its Critics and JewHate:

As one of my followers said: There is no such thing as coincidence.

Indeed. All of this was an orchestrated attack on my good name, my protection from harassment, freedom of speech, security, privacy, and right to expression.

In his blog, Marko first accuses me of being antiSemitic.

First of all, I object to the use of the term of ‘antiSemitism/ ic’. Why? Because Palestinians are also Semites.

This is not tautology; this is irrefutable genetic fact.

The term ‘antiSemitic/ ism’ has been appropriated and misused by many Jews and Zionists, alike, to refer to Jews only, thus giving Jews special status and victimhood, for the heinous crimes of the monster that was Adolf Hitler.

I do not hate Jews nor am I guilty of JewHate either; I am part Jewish on my GrandFather’s side.

Here’s former Israeli Minister, Shulamit Aloni’s view on ‘antiSemitism’:
Human Rights View:

As stated earlier, I am a Human Rights campaigner.

Many of my efforts, articles, posts, and tweets, on social media, are about Israeli war crimes, Human Rights abuse, illegal settlements, and occupation of Palestinian rights and lands.

That said, I also criticise Saudi, Russia, the US, Myanmar, France, Turkiye, the UK, Zimbabwe, and many other Human Rights abusers.

My critiques, campaigns etc, against Human Rights abusers, and their leaders and supporters, does not make me discriminatory or prejudiced against them, so why should Marko, or anyone else, claim that I am prejudice against Israeli citizens, for the action of its state actors or institutions?

Marko’s blog was a blatant attempt to provoke me, silence me, and/ or damage me. That is absolutely clear!

Marko also accused me of abusing him, which is an outright lie. The only thing I have ever said or done to him, is ask him to retract his false and malicious claims about me.

I ask you, in what warped universe is that considered abuse, of any sort?

He also claims that I misrepresent Palestinian rights and organisations who support and promote Palestinian rights and freedoms.

Note: I have never claimed to represent Palestinians or any organisation that either supports and promotes Palestinian rights and freedoms.


I merely speak from my heart, that Israel (Israhell!!)- and yes, Hamas – are both guilty of war crimes and should be brought to the international criminal court.

Marko’s blog about me, was a deliberate, orchestrated hatchet job against me!

I am in no doubt that members of the pro-Israeli lobby, and supporters of, put him up to this smear campaign against me.

Indeed, what demented and vindictive individual would then try to hack my Twitter account on no less than 35 occasions, and why?

Here’s a link to my initial response to Marko’s blog and hack attempts I received:


Lawfare and Silencing Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions:

Incidentally, Marko and Jasna’s lawyer, is the Zionist Jew, Mark Lewis. Mark and I have history. He has tried and failed several times to falsely report me to the police, encourage others to harass me, and made failed attempts to bring me to court for my stance against Israel’s war crimes.

Here is more on Mark Lewis:

(Note: Zionism is not a pejorative term and do not conflate Zionism with Judaism, as not all Jews are Zionists and vice versa. To do so, only serves and validates Zionism itself). 


Since January, 2016, Mark Lewis, has been subject to a complaint (by me) with the Solicitors Regulation Authority, which is why he will not engage me directly, and uses Marko and Jasna to do so instead.

Jasna makes that clear, here:

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This is what is called organised lawfare, by Jews, Zionists, and pro-Israel supporters, to silence valid debate on the atrocities committed by both sides in the Israeli – Palestinian conflict.

This is not conspiracy theory, false flag, flat earth, paranoid delusion. It is real, and it is happening to me, because I have taken a stance and choose to speak out against it, despite the outcomes.

Many Zionists and pro-Israeli groups and individuals have called for the murder and ruination of those who criticise Israel’s war crimes:

My humanitarian views, should not mean I or other like-minded, concerned individuals, are deserving of such vitriol, abuse, and smears against us.

Vitriolic Abuse and Hatred:

Below are examples of how hatefilled, demented, and vindictive the likes of Zionists like Marko, Jasna, and Mark are:

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This is Jasna Badzak admitting to setting up troll account to abuse and harass me.


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Yes, I am HIV. Through no fault of my own, but that of someone I love, and remain with to this day.

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The above is an image that shows a partial email address belonging to Jasna Badzak. In a moment of extreme anger, she admitted this by posting a tweet I have shown above.

I also possess another image, which shows a partial image of her mobile/ cell phone number. Yes, I have Jasna’s number, as she once gave it to me, before she decided to vilify me.


Zionist Plot, Conspiracy, Paranoia, or Fallacy:


So you think all this attempted hacking of my account and Marko’s malicious blog is either completely made up, or just free speech, at worst.. a case of trolling?

Well, I’ve already provided you with proof that there were attempts to hack my account, in a screenshot, above.

As explained above, I have been trolled and abused online many times; it’s why I am so profane about and to those who do so. However, no one has ever tried to hack my Twitter account, until Jasna’s abuse and Marko’s blog about me, within two days of each other.

It is also a fact, that Mark Lewis has previously provided legal representation for both Jasna and Marko, and they all know and follow each other offline. In addition, all of them regularly attack those who challenge or criticise Israel.

So what, other than this?

Cue in David Hirsh, who is a lecturer at Goldsmiths.

David has been described as an ‘ultra-Zionist’. He’s also been described as a fierce opponent of all boycotts of Israel, who actively conflate the BDS movement and anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism, by which, he actually means hatred against Jews (1).

David is also founder (2) of the blog site, on which Marko published his blog. I know this because the site is registered in David’s own name and at his home address in Reading (3).

Marko and David are also friends and colleagues and review each other’s work, write articles and letters together, on issues of Zionism and BDS, and regularly conspiring to accuse Israel’s critics of ‘antischwemitism’ by means of defaming them (4 & 5). David is also linked to the Board of Deputies and the Community Service Trust (6). He also has links to Simon Cobbs of Sussex Friends, who is a member of the terrorist organisation, Jewish Defence League (7). David is also an associate of Jewish Chronicle editor, Stephen Pollard, in that they both sit on several Boards and Advisory Panels together (8).

Incidentally, after Jasna recommenced her abuse of me, she was contacted byJosh Jackman to write and article about myself and others for the Jewish Chronicle (9). I understand Josh decided not to go ahead with the article, after I sent him an email advising him of the repercussions if he did so.

These links below, prove that Marko, Jasna, David, and Mark Lewis, attempted at hatchet job in a pathetic smear blog, to defame myself and others:










I think I have more than established here, the connections motive and intentions. If you still doubt me, you must have an acute case of cognitive dissonance.

To paraphrase Aristotle, you have defaulted to the (Zionist) lie, as this is all you know, and when shown the truth, refuse to deviate from the lie you’ve had drilled into you!


What Happens Next:

In conclusion, I would like to remind those who are watching me and seeking to silence and/ or discredit me, it will not work!

To those who support me, solidarity!

Now all matters are in the hands of the police and authorities.

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It seems Marko will not heed my request to cease and desist his abuse and smears of me.

In his own words, he has now said that he is going to go all out to “expose” me, as he put it. I must now take this as a serious threat to defame me, to damage my name, credibility and my work.

As this is clearly targeted abuse by Marko to malign me, I believe that it also constitutes a clear and cut case of harassment with menaces; as such, I must now take further action.


Wrong move, Marko!


Special Note:

I will not be silenced by anyone! Indeed. Your efforts to silence or hurt me, will only make me stronger!

In the words of my late acquaintance, and a fellow Human Rights activist, Said El Said: Up the Rebels!

All comments, images, and other information posted in this blog, are in the public domain and believed to be a matter of public record. I, Jason Lee, of the family: Schumann, have posted in good faith, in the belief that the contents of this blog are true and not in any way specious or false.


By Jason Lee, of the family: Schumann

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